
The Power of Positive Perspective During Life's Challenges

To be optimistic and maintain a positive attitude doesn't imply that we will always live in constant happiness. It's a personal choice. Being optimistic means that even during tough and challenging times, we choose to perceive the situation from a dual POV, with the focus primarily on the positive side, while also acknowledging the difficulties and seeking proper solutions. Instead of feeding our minds and hearts with negativity and dwelling on "possible outcomes or what ifs", that undermine our self-worth and well-being, we should recognize them as distractions and eliminate them as soon as we become aware and ready to do so. To recognize or see them as distractions, we must summon the courage to acknowledge them for what they are. It is natural and often easier to lean on the negative side of the spectrum, thinking "Tomorrow is another day to try; today is not the right time". However, to mentally rise above the ordinary, above these distractions, see your

Van Chronicles #1: From Apartments to Van Life Adventures

I find it very kind and beneficial when people are honest about everything they do and share the most valuable lessons with the world. Reflecting individually, transforming collectively. I have to tell you that this kind of traveling with a van stripped me bare of all my reservations and many aspects of my personality, such as being shy in front of others and having very little privacy at campsites. Sometimes, handling #vanlife for the first time made me feel a bit anxious about what others might think. However, I feel so powerful now. It wasn't even a question of choice, but rather the circumstances pushing me to turn my weaknesses into strengths. I have become much more confident in these past 2 weeks, even more than I thought I already was. What a ride life is when you jump into the unknown waters, willing to conquer and learn!  To master something, it is not nearly enough to just watch and listen. What makes it valuable and attainable is when you put what you have learned in th

Izola. ⚓️ 🌊 🐬

Ko ob morju se sprehajam, svojo dušo osvobajam. Diham sveži morski zrak, oh, tako prija pa res ne vsak. Moje misli, morje prečisti. Prinese globino in iskrene čute nazaj, da smisel življenja popelje me v raj. V raj, ko vsak dan hodim po soncu  z nasmehom na obrazu, ki tudi drugim smisel bo pokazu. Čistega srca in bistrih misli, podajam se v svet, kjer ni mislih kisli in kjer ljubimo se spet. Za tak svet, vredno je živet. Svet nežnosti, razumevanja in medsebojnega podpiranja. Tam kjer podpora mesto svoje najde in grenkoba težko se znajde. Ljubimo se in radi se imejmo, sočloveku vedno iskreno se nasmejmo. ❤️ [zapis: Izola, 11. marec 2023] S seboj skoraj vedno vzamem mojo malo beležko, ponavadi, ko me prevzame narava oz. nek moment in moram nujno nekaj zapisati. Včasih samo zapis, včasih pa prava poezija kot je nastala zgornja v Izoli. Zavedam se, da moram svoj dar, ki mi ga omogočija besede, bolj redno, nežno in sočutno negovati. Hvala, ker si mi namenil_a svoj čas in prebral_a mojo krea

Bottled-up feelings and emotions pouring out and now, I can breathe again. 🌬️ [How I released and accepted them]

Dear April has been very tumultuous and exciting so far. Tumoltous and exciting because I always try to see the moment I experience in duality, in it's balance. There's ALWAYS something to be grateful for and I try to remind myself that especially during hard moments I am faced with.  How do I actually manage to even do it during times of disappointment and sadness?  I have disciplined myself to always be aware of my well-being and how I feel and if I sense that I'm entering darker thoughts and emotions, I try my best to take a mental one step back and do a few deep breaths and then shift my focus to positive, expressing my gratitude towards the good in my life. From that point of view, things get more soft, gentle and a swirl of bottled-up feelings and emotions comes pouring out of me with such force and intensity, that gratitude instantly comes again on display in my mind. Sometimes as a by-product of such intense release, I start smiling from my heart as well. From that